RugbyWA is excited to announce an extension of the Belt Up partnership with the Insurance Commission of Western Australia for a further four years.
Belt Up is the Insurance Commission’s road safety awareness campaign to promote wearing seat belts on WA road to reduce the severity of injury in a crash.
Since the beginning of the partnership in 2014, the Insurance Commission has provided $2m in funding to RugbyWA and grassroots community rugby. Belt Up branded equipment, including contact wedges, training tops, gear bags and more than 18,000 Belt Up branded rugby balls, has been provided to clubs throughout the State.
The support of the Insurance Commission allows RugbyWA to continually assist community clubs to grow and make sure both players and clubs have the best equipment possible every time they run onto the field.
RugbyWA Chairman, John Edwards says this is an important partnership for all rugby clubs in WA.
“Our sincere thanks go out to the Insurance Commission for continuing our long-term partnership. The Belt Up message is hugely important to our rugby family and messaging through sport is one of the most proven and effective ways to raise road safety awareness in the greater community. “
“The Insurance Commission also supplies all of our Gilbert balls and equipment which lowers the cost for clubs and gives our members the best opportunity to participate in the great game of Rugby in Western Australia”, John said.
Alison Wilson, General Manager Governance and Stakeholder Relations said “The Insurance Commission is proud to partner with RugbyWA and put the Belt Up message directly into the hands of the rugby community.”
“Last year, 77 people were killed or seriously injured in crashes on WA roads while not wearing a seatbelt. This is equivalent to about five rugby teams. Wearing a seatbelt can help lessen the severity of injuries sustained in car crashes, resulting in lower claims costs and more affordable insurance premiums for motorists.”