RugbyWA Board Update

Tue, May 30, 2023, 6:56 AM
Rugby WA Media
by Rugby WA Media

Following on from the Annual General Meeting which took place on Monday May 29th 2023, the Election results are as follows.

We welcome and congratulate Justin Shakeshaft on his appointment to the RugbyWA board as an Elected Board Member.

Justin joins the board with over 10-years of rugby administration and will bring a wealth of knowledge to our board.

Justin will replace Gillian Forde who was a member of our board for four years. We thank Gillian for her valuable contribution to our Female game and her support around RugbyWA’s Commercial strategy.

John Edwards and Trevor Cook were re-elected as Elected Board Members for a further two-year term.

The Chairman will be elected by the Board Members at the next Board meeting.
