National Volunteer Week Spotlight: Perth Bayswater's Kylie Mason

Wed, May 22, 2024, 3:00 AM
Rugby WA Media
by Rugby WA Media

National Volunteer Week seeks to acknowledge the hard work and dedication volunteers throughout the country quietly provide to the community. The theme for 2024 is ‘Something for Everyone’, acknowledging the range of opportunities there are to assist your community. 

The volunteer base of the RugbyWA community exemplifies the spirit of rugby, a dedication of teamwork, respect and excellence. It is our volunteer base that helps drive the vibrant rugby community and assists in the continued growth of the sport. 

As a fiercely inclusive game for all, RugbyWA is incredibly grateful for the tireless effort the volunteers within our community provide in keeping our sport strong and engaging. 


Kylie Mason is the driving force behind Perth Bayswater’s All Abilities team.  

A dedicated member of the rugby community, Kylie Mason has been involved in the Perth Bayswater All Abilities team since its inception in 2022. She takes charge of the team as the All-Abilities Coordinator and Team Manager at the club, creating individual player profiles for the 8-member squad, assessing skills, tailoring training approaches and identifying necessary support for each player. 

Her work with the All-Abilities team extends beyond just the field. She has forged a safe and supportive relationship with players and their families, ensuring that needs are always met. The team has become integrated in the rugby community at Perth Bayswater, with players from all grades joining in with training, helping to bridge a gap and break down stigmas, fostering a sense of unity within the club. 

A passionate advocate for the All-Abilities team, Kylie’s support and tireless dedication are reflected in the success and growth of the team at Perth Bayswater. 

“My journey with All Abilities has been a deep passion, and one I really want to get off the ground here in WA,” Kylie shared. 

“It’s about inclusion for everybody, and everybody should be able to take space in our community. The rugby community is a fantastic place to make connections.” 

Kylie’s volunteering journey with Perth Baywater began 17 years ago. Now, she believes it’s important to always try to make sure there’s somewhere for people to be, and someone to talk to. 


Her dedication to volunteering and the Perth Bayswater rugby community extends beyond just her work with the All-Abilities team. Whether handling the responsibilities of conducing presentations or spur of the moment training for coaches and staff, to be the organiser of groundbreaking events such as Pasifika Day at the club, Kylie’s tireless dedication to the betterment of her community is admirable. 

Beyond this, Kylie is also the team manager for Perth Bayswater’s Fortescue Premier Grade men’s team. 

“Volunteering is really important,” Kylie said, sharing her work volunteering not just with the All Abilities and Premier Grade teams, but across the juniors and all elements of the club environment. 

Kylie’s constant dedication to the club is just as rewarding for her as it is beneficial for those within her reach. 

"Something about volunteering for the All-Abilities team, and the juniors and seniors too, is you get to see the growth and development of players, but also them just hanging out and being mates.  

“That’s so rewarding to see those connections. You can have a bad day, or a long week, and then have to come down to training and strap on your boots and join in training with the boys.” 

“It just makes your day.” 

Kylie’s constant dedication to Perth Bayswater and their All Abilities team is inspiring and exemplifies the spirit of rugby for all. A tireless, dedicated member of the rugby community, her work is irreplaceable. 


There are hundreds of volunteers throughout RugbyWA’s community that have dedicated their time and energy to their clubs. Their work as referees, team managers, support staff and administrators are vital to the rugby ecosystem, keeping games going and clubs alive.  

RugbyWA wishes to thank all the volunteers within our community this National Volunteer Week. Thank you for your dedication to the community and the sport, and for your tireless efforts to keep the game going. 

To volunteer within the rugby community, reach out to your local club to learn how you can get involved. 
