Match Day Safety

Match day safety includes best practice policies and guidelines to ensure our players are as safe as possible while on the rugby field.

Delivering Safe Rugby

Clubs should adhere to safe rugby standards in all play scenarios, to protect the safety and welfare of their playing cohort.

Match Day Inspection Checklist

The Match Day Inspection Checklist is a risk management toll that should be completed prior to each match day. It is designed to assist in the identification of risks on the day and take steps to prevent injuries.

First Aid & Medical

Rugby Australia & World Rugby encourages Clubs and Schools to take the following recommended measures to ensure that the game is both safe and enjoyable to play.

The Rugby Australia Medical and First Aid Requirements outline the medical and safety guidelines for the management of injury and the first aid requirements for community rugby matches including the below:

  • Minimum accreditation requirements for first aid personnel
  • Mayday call, procedure and flowchart
  • Risk Management
  • Smart Rugby

Below are some additional safety initiatives that may assist in running and managing rugby competitions.

Heat Guidelines

In extreme weather conditions, an objective assessment of the environment may be required to assist in determining the safety of prevailing conditions.

Game Day Interventions should be implemented once the Heat Stress Index (HSI) is above 150. The HSI is determined using a combination of temperature and humidity (see World Rugby Heat Guidelines ).

If practical, training and playing should be scheduled when ambient temperatures, radiant heat (direct sunlight) and humidity are expected to be at acceptable levels. Utilising the Heat Stress Index, a guide to acceptable levels would be:

  • temperature ≤ 30 degrees Celsius
  • humidity ≤ 60%

Lightning Safety Guidelines

Understanding the dangers of lightning and the proper precautions to take will assist in minimising incidents from lightning strikes. The actions that should be taken, when there is a threat of a lightning strike, will depend on the level of information available to event/competition organisers or match officials.

Additional Match Day Safety Resources