RugbyAU Code of Conduct

The Code of Conduct sets out the behaviours that are expected of all those involved in rugby, including players, coaches, administrators, employees, contractors, directors, volunteers, parents and spectators in order to ensure that a fair, safe and inclusive environment is provided for all.

The Code also sets out a harmonised approach to the handling and resolution of complaints, including the administration of a disciplinary process and the implementation of sanctions for breaches of the Code at all levels of the community and semi-professional game in Australia.

To view RugbyAU's Code of Conduct, click the below link.

Who is Bound by the Code?

All those involved in rugby agree by virtue of their membership, employment or participation in rugby to be bound by all World Rugby Regulations, Bye-Laws and Laws of the Game etc., and to all RugbyAU's codes, policies and guidance, including that they shall have any sanctions imposed on them under the Code recognised and applied at all levels of the game.

All Relevant Persons are under an obligation to:

  • Make themselves aware of the contents of the Code;
  • Comply with all relevant provisions of the Code;
  • Be accountable for their behaviour;
  • Cooperate with any requests for information and/or investigations commenced under the Code;
  • Comply with any decisions and/or disciplinary sanctions imposed under the Code.
Expected Standards of Behaviour

The Code sets out the expected standards of behaviour in order to safeguard the health and safety of all those involved in rugby and prohibit any conduct (whether on social media, through other electronic means or in person) that is illegal, offensive, threatening, discriminatory, bullying, harassment, vilification, sexist, racist and/or homophobic/transphobic.